Now, I am about to give you the best chest exercises of your life that will complete your goal of best chest.
Let's Begin
There are many chest exercises but not all of them will effect your chest. But I am going to give you some exercises that will surely make your chest incredible. Here are they but do not forget about your diet it plays a important role in making your muscles.
1. Barbell Bench Press
workout: Do it toward the start of your chest workout for heavy sets in lower rep ranges. Consider varying your grip width for more complete chest development.
2. Flat Bench Dumbbell Press
workout: Do flat dumbbell presses toward the start of your chest workout for heavy sets in lower rep ranges.
3. Low-Incline Barbell Bench Press
workout: Many chest workouts start with flat-bench movements first, then progress to inclines, but it's time to get out of that bad habit. Every so often, start with inclines. The benefit is that you'll be fresher and can lift more weight, which puts a greater amount of stress on the upper pec fibers and could lead to more growth.
4. Decline Press
workout: Do free-weight exercises first in your chest workout because they require more effort and stabilizer muscles than machines. With that in mind, this could be the last multi-joint exercise in your routine.
5. Seated Machine Chest Press
workout: Again, do machine exercises at the end of your workout. For anyone looking to build mass, machines give you a greater chance to pump your pecs with minimal shoulder assistance.
6. Incline Dumbbell Press
workout: This is an occasional first movement, but it can easily go anywhere from first to third in your routine. Keep in mind, though, that the later you do this movement, the less weight you'll likely be able to push.
For even crazier pumps with this exercise, try to slowly rotate the dumbbells from palms-forward to a palms-inward position during the concentric portion of the lift, really squeezing at the top. This slight change will cause you to medially rotate the upper arm, really recruiting your pec major.
7. Dips For Chest
workout: If you're strong, this lower-chest move makes a great finisher; if you're not, you can do it earlier in your session. It makes a great super-set pairing with push-ups for a big pump at the end of your workout.
8. Incline Bench Cable Fly
workout: Do incline cable flyes at the end of your workout for slightly higher reps (sets of 10-12). If you're training with a partner, do a few dropsets for some real masochistic, muscle-building fun!
9. Incline Dumbbell Pull-Over
workout: Do pull-overs at the very end of your workout for sets of 12. On every set, hold the peak contraction of the last rep for a full five seconds.
10. Pec-Deck Machine
workout: Hit the pec deck last in your chest routine for sets of 10-12. Do drop sets and partial reps, pumping out as many as you can to failure.