Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Best Shoulder Workout

Understand Shoulder Anatomy

Your shoulders are comprised of three major muscles known as deltoids, and here’s how they look:
It’s very important to develop all three heads of this muscle, because if one is lagging, it will be painfully obvious.

Here are some best exercises for big, strong & round delts that pop.

1. Seated or Standing Military Press

Barbell and dumbbell pressing is the most effective way to build your shoulders because although it focuses on the anterior head of the deltoid, it also involves the other two, and it allows you to push heavy weight without risking injury.

2. Arnold Press

The Arnold press is a variation of the traditional dumbbell press that increases the range of motion.

3. Dumbbell Front Raise

The dumbbell front raise is an effective exercise for targeting the anterior deltoid.

4. Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise

The dumbbell side lateral raise is the most effective exercise for building the medial (middle) deltoid, which needs targeted work to keep up with the anterior head. Pressing alone won’t get the job done.

5. Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise

If you want “three-dimensional” shoulders that don’t fall completely flat in the back, you want to train your rear delts. And the dumbbell rear lateral raise is a great exercise for this.

6. Barbell Rear Delt Row

The barbell rear lateral row is another great exercise for targeting the posterior deltoids.

7. Face Pull

The face pull is a great exercise for strengthening both the posterior deltoids and the rotator cuff Muscles. 

These are some best shoulder exercises.

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