Tuesday, 8 November 2016


Biology of Calories

Calories are found in food like vegetables, fruits, fast food etc. Calories are required by the body to become healthy but as it is said " excess of everything is bad ". So excess of calories is also bad . I will give you advantages and disadvantages of Calories because everything that have something good also have something bad .


Calories are used by body to gain mass or increase weight. If you want to increase the size of your muscles than you should take more Calories as you can . It will increase size of your biceps, triceps ,chest, back, hips ,thigh, calves and belly too.

Most people are aware that exercise is beneficial for weight loss but knowing approximately how many calories are used during a workout can be a useful motivator. Many people are surprised, however, how few calories an hour of exercise really uses. This helps to reinforce the idea that you “cannot outrun a bad diet” and that eating less is often easier than trying to exercise more.


It is generally accepted that protein contains four calories per gram, carbohydrates contain four calories per gram, alcohol contains seven calories per gram and fat contains nine calories per gram. This premise suggests that all calories are equal irrespective of their source. This, however, is not true, and fails to take into account how calories from different sources are treated in your body.
Different foods require differing amounts of energy to digest, transport, utilize and eliminate. This is commonly referred to as the thermic effect of food, TEF for short. TEF means that, of the food you eat, some of the calories contained in that food are used in the process of digestion etc.
Taking too any calories causes obesity which leads to heart problem, fat body, different organ problems and different diseases. Diseases attack fat body easily and more often. A fat person cannot protect himself from these diereses.
So people avoid taking too much calories . Its good for your own health.  

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